Online shop
If you’re after a physical copy of the Bath 5k Map, you’re in the right place. Why not also purchase a sticker pack for each map, to mark off the routes you’ve completed!
Join The Bath 5k Map
Join The Bath 5k Map membership and subscribe to all our walks.
We will regularly release new walks for you to enjoy over and above the first 20 walks available on the printed map. Once you have paid your subscription access to the walks is unlimited with no restrictions to the numbers of walks you can access throughout the year.
Subscribe for more walks and benefits including;
Access to route guides for each walk including photos, bus routes and amenities along the way
Downloadable PDFs to print route guides for offline walking
Access to every new route added to the Bath 5k Map collection
Bath Stockists
Buy the map in store with our selection of Bath-based stockists, more coming soon!
Somerset Lavender
Faulkland, Radstock, Somerset, BA3 5WA